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Integrating Elastic Cloud Kibana with Okta SAML SSO in 2021

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Why this post? This post is 100% search engine bait designed to help others avoid the pitfalls I encountered while integrating our hosted ElasticSearch cluster with our Okta SSO environment. The specific issues encountered were that the Elastic Cloud post discussing Okta integration provides slightly incorrect guidance on the setting of a particular elasticsearch.yml parameter. […]

AWS ParallelCluster Private Deployment in Hardened VPCs

Bioteam Insights@2x

Image: Firing up a public cluster configured to deploy through a logging Squid proxy was the only way to discover all of the various Internet-based URls and endpoints that AWS Parallelcluster needs in order to successfully complete a full deployment.  AWS ParallelCluster Private Deployment in Hardened VPCs   Executive Summary If you are struggling like […]

2016 HPC Trends from the Trenches

Chris has been delivering his “trends from the trenches” presentation at the BioIT World Conference & Expo since 2010 and the talk has evolved into a fairly popular annual tradition. The intent of the talk is to deliver a candid (and occasionally blunt) assessment of the best, the worthwhile, and the most overhyped information technologies (IT) for […]

Using PIV smart cards with Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Using PIV smart cards for HHS VPN login with Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Note: This entire post is basically google search bait designed to (hopefully) allow others struggling with the same issues to save a bit of time. Hope it helps! October 30, 2014 Update There is an active Citrix support thread on the […]

CST Studio on the cloud

Bioteam Insights@2x

Electromagnetic simulation on the cloud – our impressions, mistakes made and lessons learned.

Metrum moves to the cloud

Bioteam Insights@2x

Over the past few years, many life science organizations have dabbled in cloud computing and explored infrastructure-as-a-service, with varying degrees of enthusiasm and commitment. But one Connecticut company has decided to go for broke—transferring its entire IT infrastructure onto the Amazon cloud.