Webinar: The Importance of Research Cyberinfrastructure Expertise in Modern Scientific Research

Modern research is rapidly evolving in the era of AI and Data Science. Likewise, modern scientific research computing ecosystems, often called research cyberinfrastructure (CI), have become increasingly intricate in response to these modern research needs. Many research organizations understand the importance of research CI hardware and software. However, the professionals who create, manage, and translate the power of research CI into the hands of researchers are the most important, and most often overlooked, research CI component.

Join Dr. Blake Joyce, Senior Scientific Consultant at BioTeam, to gain insights from BioTeam’s experience helping scientific organizations build CI teams to unlock the power of AI and advanced research analytics. Learn best practices for (1) integrating the diverse expertise of CI Facilitators, Research Software Engineers, and CI Professionals to translate research data management and analysis needs into cloud, high-performance computing, AI/ML, and advanced scientific software support CI, and (2) how to improve the effectiveness of existing research computing teams to benefit the entire R&D organization.

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