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Using the Gen3 platform to build a data commons for Bristol-Myers Squibb

BioTeam has been involved in Data Commons projects for over 3 years but recently one platform kept cropping up in conversations – University of Chicago’s Gen3. This led BioTeam’s Bill Van Etten and John Jacquay to start learning more about the platform and eventually the team got hands on and stood up a working system during BioTeam’s All Hands meeting Hackathon in 2019. Impressed with what they saw, the team pitched the platform to Bristol-Myers Squibb as a potential solution for BMS’ SiloBreaker project. The story of that project was recently written up by Allison Proffitt in BioIT World:

“The Silo Breaker team wanted a cutting-edge solution with the most modern architecture. “At the speed at which science moves, if you don’t have modern approaches to what you’re doing from a software standpoint, you’re already behind,” [BMS’ Daniel] Huston said.
To help navigate this process, BMS brought in the BioTeam, a consultancy known in the life sciences for its expertise and due diligence in tools exploration. … With the needs assessment complete, two tasks loomed: BMS needed a tool that would allow everyone to find well-characterized data they need, and a catalog of all of the applications, tools, and analyses in use.
The solution? Gen3.”

To better understand the problems that BMS is trying to solve, how BioTeam stood up Gen3, and now how BMS is planning on using their new platform, you can read the full article here.
Contact Us for more information on Gen3 and Data Commons.



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