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Grid Engine Administration – Training Slides

After much thought we’ve decided to release PDF versions of some Grid Engine Administration training slides that BioTeam has used in the past. We hope the community will find them useful; internally we are working on new materials that will incorporate screen sharing technologies, videos, screencasts and better online learning environments (including training systems with live labs and exercises housed within the Amazon EC2 compute cloud.
Another reason for releasing the materials is that they themselves are quite dry and boring – real Grid Engine training needs to be done by someone who has used the product in demanding settings and is capable of talking about real world experiences, failures and best practices!
All we ask is that our effort be respected – please don’t strip out our company name, logo or otherwise try to pass these materials off as your own.
BioTeam continues to offer custom Grid Engine Administration (and End User) training suitable for training sessions lasting from two hours to two full days. Please contact us for more information.

SGE Admin - Overview
01 - SGE Admin - Overview

SGE Admin - Installation
02 - SGE Admin - Installation

03 - SGE Admin - Configuration
03 - SGE Admin - Configuration

04 - SGE Admin - Application Integration
04 - SGE Admin - Application Integration

05 - SGE Admin - Monitoring
05 - SGE Admin - Monitoring

06 - SGE Admin - Policies
06 - SGE Admin - Policies

07 - SGE Admin - Troubleshooting
07 - SGE Admin - Troubleshooting



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