Training Scientists For Our Interdisciplinary Future

Stan Gloss, BioTeam’s founding partner, recently interviewed the National Cancer Institute’s L. Michelle Bennett Ph.D. for BioIT-World’s Trends from the Trenches column. They talked about her experiences working with interdisciplinary teams at NCI and why some groups seem to thrive while others went nowhere.
Bennett’s experiences helped her and her co-workers identify a number of common barriers that any collaborative team faces and the impact that failing to overcome these barriers can have on a project’s success. Building on her training as an Executive Coach, Bennett worked with colleagues at NCI to document these barriers along with tools and tactics to overcome them. You can find this document, ‘Collaboration and Team Science; A Field Guide‘, on NCI’s website. Stan and Michelle also discuss the three key elements she looks to build to create a strong team and the key question she asks to gauge team health – you can read the full interview on BioIT World.



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